Χρόνος ανάγνωσης < 1 ΄

Starts 22nd February 2019

Graduates of the MSc in Psychology of the University of Bolton will be able to apply the skills learnt on the MSc in mental health settings, but also in teaching and education, humanitarian and community initiatives, human resources, career coaching, leadership and business. This one-year full-time Masters programme involves the comprehensive study of selected areas in psychology at an advanced level, including the latest research and practice in Positive Psychology, lifespan development and research methods in Psychology.

Many students who have completed an undergraduate degree in a non-psychology field might find that they would like to switch to psychology for graduate school. Is this possible? Yes! Graduates from non-Psychology programmes – for example teachers, human resources specialists and sociology graduates – are welcome to apply and can be accepted after a successful interview with the programme leader.

Upon enrolment in the University of Bolton MSc in Psychology you will automatically become a student member of the International Positive Psychology Association www.ippanetwork.org. Membership of IPPA’s student division entitles you to many benefits such as discounted conference and subscription fees (for The Journal of Positive Psychology) and access to further training, networking and mentoring opportunities. In addition, students who have successfully completed the University of Bolton MSc in Psychology qualify for IPPA’s professional membership level. This Masters programme also provides the necessary research skills for pursuing a PhD in Psychology, available at New York college in collaboration with the University of Bolton.

Further information can be found here

Contact details:

New York College

Amalias, 38, Syntagma, 105 58

Tel: + (30) 210 322 5961

Email: nycath@nyc.gr

Website: http://www.nyc.gr